Family Announcements

Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff:

For the school year (SY) 2024/25 breakfast and lunch will be paid.  For students that qualify for free or reduced meals, they may receive one free breakfast and lunch per school day for this year.  Any negative balances that is accrued must be paid in full. Weekly letters and phone calls will continue to be made. Snack and a la carte purchases are not allowed to be made when there is a negative balance.
The Wolcott Public Schools' policy about negative meal accounts can be found here.

School year 2024-2025 meal pricing is: Breakfast at all schools: $2.00; Elementary School lunch - $3.15, Tyrrell Middle School lunch - $3.50, Wolcott High School lunch - $3.65. 

To add money to your child's meal account, please download the Linq Connect app or go to All cafeterias also accept cash or check made out to Wolcott Food Services.